Information is Wealth...: wordpress to blogger
Showing posts with label wordpress to blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wordpress to blogger. Show all posts

Forward wordpress URL to blogger URL using custom redirect

How to forward or redirect a wordpress post URL to blogger post URL?

Follow below steps to do so
  1. Forward a wordpress blog to Google blogger - refer to my earlier post wordpress to blogger
  2. Once your wordpress blog is redirected to blogger by following my earlier post, you can now redirect your old wordpress post or url to new blogger post by creating a custom redirect in blogger

Now your old wordpress post urls will redirect to blogger url automatically

Forward wordpress to blogger in 5 quick steps

How to redirect from wordpress to blogger

Forward wordpress to blogger in 5 quick steps

1)  Login into your hosting account( In my case my hosting account is with GoDaddy)
2) Look for Domains
3) Click on Domains and select the wordpress domain you want to forward to blogger in case if you have more than one domain
4) Look for Forwarding section as given below
5) Please note that I am already forwarding my wordpress blog to blogger

6) Click on Manage to add a new wordpress forward URL to your blogger url

7) You can add or update your wordpress to blogger forward URL here

8) You can also forward wordpress subdomain to a blogger